Better Decisions Through Science:Exercise Testing Scores

EXTRA gives clinicians a powerful second opinion and allows them to concentrate on what the computer can never do: assess and treat patients as individuals. The EXTRA approach has a sensitivity and specificity for any CAD of 85% and 92%, respectively, and a sensitivity and specificity for predicting severe CAD of 81% and 91%

Comparison of treadmill scores with physician estimates of diagnosis and prognosis in patients with coronary artery disease

" treadmill scores were superior to physicians and ST analysis at predicting severe angiographic disease. When prognosis was estimated, treadmill prognostic scores did as well as expert cardiologists and better than most other physician groups"

Exercise Standards for Testing and Training

The Consensus approach to diagnosing CAD based on clinical exercise test data

Lessons Learned from Exercise Testing - The Gatekeeper

Exercise Testing in Asymptomatic Adults A Statement for Professionals From the American Heart Association

Sunnyside Biomedical provides HL-7 Bi-Communication Capabilities
since April 26, 2005
Sunnyside Biomedical, a provider of advanced solutions for cardiac risk assessment, is fully operational with HL-7 bi-communication capabilities, allowing it to seamlessly interface with third party data management and EMR systems using the standard and accepted messaging protocol, HL-7.

Strategic Alliance with COSMED since October 14, 2004
COSMED, a manufacturer of cardiopulmonary diagnostic equipment have a strategic alliance with bi-directional capabilties.




Corporate Headquarters

Sunnyside Biomedical LLC
P.O. Box 1171
Mountain View, CA 94042
Ph: 650-331-1897
Fax: 310-526-7775

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